Things I have learned, Part 3:
Vocabulary of a 24 month old and a few other jewels of wisdom:
Truck is spelled F-R-U-C-K. Well, at least that's how it's pronounced so it must be spelled that way...even in public.
It doesn't matter in which order you say numbers 1 through 6, nor which ones you miss, as long as you end with "samen, eight, nine, TEEEEENNNNN"!
If you keep saying "noses?" while your mom is tucking you in, she will stay in your room indefinitely and keep giving you eskimo kisses. Even if it's 57 times.
FIRST thing in the morning, crawl in bed with Mommy and whisper "I hungy. I eat?" It doesn't matter if she hasn't slept a wink, she will get up and make you "besfast."
If you say "Monkey? George Monkey?" when Mommy has on the morning news, she will change it to Curious George even though she doesn't want to.
If you say, "Paaaayy, Daddy!" Daddy will close his laptop and play with you everytime. And then he'll smile and say "Paaayyy, Daddy" everytime he thinks about how dang cute you are.
When two year olds say "Hush, Sadie!," the dog doesn't listen.
If you say "Baby keeeessth," Mommy will get the baby and bring him to you so you can kiss his head. Even if your face is covered in spaghetti.
Babies heads smell like whatever your 2 year old ate for dinner.
If you say "OH POO POO!" during naptime, your mom will run into your room REALLY FAST! (see prior blogs)
If you say "pay? park?" when your mom wants to go to the grocery store, you MAY be able to talk her into a detour.
No matter how many times you sing it, your mom STILL doesn't know the words to the new songs you sing at school.
It's fun to sing random words and make mommy guess which song you're trying to sing ALL the way home from school.
Even though two year olds can bounce, sometimes they don't.
If the sun is in your eyes in the car, keep yelling "ASSES!!!" over and over, your mom will give you your sunglasses when she stops laughing.
When you wear your "asses" on your head like daddy does, the sun is still in your eyes.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
This is how I know he's my son - a story in pictures
For anyone that has known me for any length of time you know I sleep hard and long. I require 9 hours per night (maybe this is why the last 3 months have been so rough!)
You may also know that I can sleep anytime anywhere and in any position. I fell asleep at a red light once in college. Here are a few pictures of J sleeping. Justin and I routinely go in his room while he's sleeping to check him out and take pictures of what we find. Some are precious and some are just HILARIOUS!
This is my child. He's a sleeper just like me:

Yes, in the bathtub.

This is the EXACT position that I sleep:

And this is the one that made me think to write this blog. He actually has his sippy cup in his hand. Click on it and you will see the puddle of drool. He was sleeping HARD!

You may also know that I can sleep anytime anywhere and in any position. I fell asleep at a red light once in college. Here are a few pictures of J sleeping. Justin and I routinely go in his room while he's sleeping to check him out and take pictures of what we find. Some are precious and some are just HILARIOUS!
This is my child. He's a sleeper just like me:
Yes, in the bathtub.
This is the EXACT position that I sleep:

And this is the one that made me think to write this blog. He actually has his sippy cup in his hand. Click on it and you will see the puddle of drool. He was sleeping HARD!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Happy Big #2 Jackson!!!!
A little over two years ago, I was pregnant with my "Booger." (Yes, that's what I call with it.) I commented several times that I cannot imagine how anyone who has ever had a child could say that they don't believe in God. While you are "cooking" a baby as I like to call it, each moment is intricately planned. Each system in the human body begins forming in a perfectly timed order. Everything happens in a particular order and in a particular place and the end result is a perfect, intricate system that makes up a baby boy or girl. It's a miracle every single time.
I was lucky to have 2 easy pregnancies. If a pregnancy can possibly be easy that is. The day that we found out that Jackson was on the way was certainly one of the happiest days of my life. He is INCREDIBLE. Justin laughs about him being this "little person." He says that he is a whole person, just smaller. It sounds silly, but it really is amazing. It's amazing the way that they grow inside their mommies. It's amazing the way that they are born. It's amazing the way that they grow. It's amazing the way that they learn and develop and figure things out.
My whole person, just smaller, is turning two years old in about 9 hours. We've been talking a lot about birthdays so that he will understand his own birthday. He calls it Happy Day Day. He was sitting in his high chair eating dinner tonight and caught the sight of the iced cookies on the counter that I bought for him to bring to school tomorrow and started saying "Happy Day Day" "Peas?" "Happy Day Day" "PEEEAAASS" We actually threw a small blanket over them and he completely forgot that they were there. Outta sight outta mind. A blanket on the counter? He doesn't even notice.
When I brought my little miracle home from the hospital, I had to have him as close as possible every single moment and he slept in a cradle next to my side of the bed. I distinctly remember the first night that he was home. I was sitting on the edge of my bed, chin in my hands, watching his chest rise and fall. I didn't understand SIDS, but I knew that as long as I saw his chest rise and fall every single time then he was ok. I was so exhausted and finally I prayed. I said, "God, it's your turn now. You'll have to watch his chest for me while my eyes are closed." I was actually able to rest knowing that God was sitting on the edge of my bed, chin in His hands, making sure that tiny little chest was rising and falling as it should. Sometimes I forget that God was letting me borrow him for the next __ years. I'm SO glad that he did. God couldn't have picked a more incredible kid for me to take care of for Him. It's been two years now and some days are a challenge, and some are just fun, but all are a blessing. I hope that I'm living up to God's expectations. I hope I'm raising that precious little boy to be the man that God wants him to be. I hope that God looks down and is proud of his little boy, and proud of the manner in which he is being taught, and disciplined, and encouraged. It's a little overwhelming to remember that God only lets us borrow his tiny angels, and relies on us to take care of them on earth. I'm so glad that he continues to help us everytime we need his assistance!
Two years...they have FLOWN! I am amazed every day at that little guy. I'm so proud of him.
Happy Day Day Jackson!
I was lucky to have 2 easy pregnancies. If a pregnancy can possibly be easy that is. The day that we found out that Jackson was on the way was certainly one of the happiest days of my life. He is INCREDIBLE. Justin laughs about him being this "little person." He says that he is a whole person, just smaller. It sounds silly, but it really is amazing. It's amazing the way that they grow inside their mommies. It's amazing the way that they are born. It's amazing the way that they grow. It's amazing the way that they learn and develop and figure things out.
My whole person, just smaller, is turning two years old in about 9 hours. We've been talking a lot about birthdays so that he will understand his own birthday. He calls it Happy Day Day. He was sitting in his high chair eating dinner tonight and caught the sight of the iced cookies on the counter that I bought for him to bring to school tomorrow and started saying "Happy Day Day" "Peas?" "Happy Day Day" "PEEEAAASS" We actually threw a small blanket over them and he completely forgot that they were there. Outta sight outta mind. A blanket on the counter? He doesn't even notice.
When I brought my little miracle home from the hospital, I had to have him as close as possible every single moment and he slept in a cradle next to my side of the bed. I distinctly remember the first night that he was home. I was sitting on the edge of my bed, chin in my hands, watching his chest rise and fall. I didn't understand SIDS, but I knew that as long as I saw his chest rise and fall every single time then he was ok. I was so exhausted and finally I prayed. I said, "God, it's your turn now. You'll have to watch his chest for me while my eyes are closed." I was actually able to rest knowing that God was sitting on the edge of my bed, chin in His hands, making sure that tiny little chest was rising and falling as it should. Sometimes I forget that God was letting me borrow him for the next __ years. I'm SO glad that he did. God couldn't have picked a more incredible kid for me to take care of for Him. It's been two years now and some days are a challenge, and some are just fun, but all are a blessing. I hope that I'm living up to God's expectations. I hope I'm raising that precious little boy to be the man that God wants him to be. I hope that God looks down and is proud of his little boy, and proud of the manner in which he is being taught, and disciplined, and encouraged. It's a little overwhelming to remember that God only lets us borrow his tiny angels, and relies on us to take care of them on earth. I'm so glad that he continues to help us everytime we need his assistance!
Two years...they have FLOWN! I am amazed every day at that little guy. I'm so proud of him.
Happy Day Day Jackson!
It's that hand again!
The moment when an infant discovers his hand is such an adorable thing. They are just laying there looking at whatever their mom has strung up over them to play with and all of a sudden...out of nowhere...there goes that hand again! They make every possible effort with those jerky little muscles of theirs to see it again. And...there it is! This time they stop and stare at the balled up little fist as if it's the most foreign of objects. But somehow, it's always there. They turn it in different directions, with lips pursed and serious eyebrows in deep concentration until, in a moment, they lose control of the fist, it leaves their line of sight, and the mysterious object is again forgotten.
I was watching Graham and his little fist tonight and was reminded about the day that Jackson discovered his first flower. It was one of those long purple flowers that grows in monkey grass and he was old enough to sit up, but not old enough to crawl. I'll never forget the spark that lit up his eyes as he leaned in toward the flower and reached his pudgy arm out and gently touched the flower with those tiny fat fingers. He was delighted and curious and amazed. I happened to have my camera in the yard and took his picture as he played with it, but I knew I'd never catch the look in his eye on camera. You had to be there to really really see it. The look of discovery. To see something beautiful for the very first time.
I wish I took the time to enjoy the wonder of a flower, but like most people, I pass it by. We have actually dug all of that monkey grass up and gotten rid of it now! Ironic.
This Thanksgiving, let's take a few minutes to be wowed by the simple things that God created. He put a lot of thought into each and every petal of each and every varying flower. He put even more thought into the human body, I'm sure. Not everyone gets to see a pudgy little fist all balled up to enjoy, but enjoy the fact that He carefully and thoughtfully made you. That we have each other. That we have health, and life, and joy...and flowers.
I was watching Graham and his little fist tonight and was reminded about the day that Jackson discovered his first flower. It was one of those long purple flowers that grows in monkey grass and he was old enough to sit up, but not old enough to crawl. I'll never forget the spark that lit up his eyes as he leaned in toward the flower and reached his pudgy arm out and gently touched the flower with those tiny fat fingers. He was delighted and curious and amazed. I happened to have my camera in the yard and took his picture as he played with it, but I knew I'd never catch the look in his eye on camera. You had to be there to really really see it. The look of discovery. To see something beautiful for the very first time.
I wish I took the time to enjoy the wonder of a flower, but like most people, I pass it by. We have actually dug all of that monkey grass up and gotten rid of it now! Ironic.
This Thanksgiving, let's take a few minutes to be wowed by the simple things that God created. He put a lot of thought into each and every petal of each and every varying flower. He put even more thought into the human body, I'm sure. Not everyone gets to see a pudgy little fist all balled up to enjoy, but enjoy the fact that He carefully and thoughtfully made you. That we have each other. That we have health, and life, and joy...and flowers.
Mommy Guilt
I sent Jackson to his room the other night in the middle of dinner for squealing incesantly and disobeying. Well, I'll be more specific-the abbreviated version:
"Jackson, stop squealing"
"Ehhhh". This went on for a little while...
" Do you want to go to your room?"
"Then stop squealing-Mommy said for you not to do that"
This is where he cut his eyes at me and let out another "Eeeeehhhh"
I left him in his room for 5 minutes or so and he was screaming the whole time. It's amazing how such a simple punishment can hurt his feelings SO badly! When I finally returned to have the "talk" about why he was sent to his room and about obeying Mommy all he could say was "Mama, I cying" "I cying, Mama". It was pitiful. I said "I know Baby, that's kindof the's a punishment."
"I cying"-that kid kills me. He honestly wondered why I didn't swoop in and save him. After all, he was cying.
"Jackson, stop squealing"
"Ehhhh". This went on for a little while...
" Do you want to go to your room?"
"Then stop squealing-Mommy said for you not to do that"
This is where he cut his eyes at me and let out another "Eeeeehhhh"
I left him in his room for 5 minutes or so and he was screaming the whole time. It's amazing how such a simple punishment can hurt his feelings SO badly! When I finally returned to have the "talk" about why he was sent to his room and about obeying Mommy all he could say was "Mama, I cying" "I cying, Mama". It was pitiful. I said "I know Baby, that's kindof the's a punishment."
"I cying"-that kid kills me. He honestly wondered why I didn't swoop in and save him. After all, he was cying.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
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