Tuesday, January 26, 2010

NOT me Monday

Yea, I know it's Tuesday.

I won't post it on MckMama's site because of that technicality. Although it did happen yesterday.

So anyway: My Not me Monday, I mean Tuesday story:

Jackson has been doing a great job going potty in the big boy potty. So great, that I had to forbid him from pottying last night. He gets up there...tinkles a tiny tiny little bit, and gets ALL excited for his M&M. Two minutes later, same story.

Oh yea, Not me! I didn't forbid my 2 year old potty trainer from pottying anymore and force him to keep his pjs on!


Saturday, January 23, 2010

I found this today while preparing for my new website. I wrote it when Jackson was a baby:

Those tiny little fingers
Chubby wrists
Creamy, soft skin
…I love this child

That gummy grin
Innocent smile
Sheer glee…
God, I love this child

That bottom lip
Those round cheeks
Big round eyes
Pure innocence…
God, thank you for my child

~Meredith McLaughlin 2007

Monday, January 4, 2010

A car ride with a 25 month old

It's funny to look back at posts about conversations with Jackson. They are progressing well I suppose. Our longest and deepest conversations happen in the car. You know, the only time he isn't either watching Shrek or begging to watch Shrek. So here goes, from our ride home today. A car ride with a 25 month old:

"Car mama. Two carsth. One two foor sickth nine Two carsth."

"That's good counting, Baby"

"Big Truck. Papa Big Truck. Papa housth. Papa housth dum dums. Dum Dum mama? Sucka? Mines have it?

The thought of our car ride four days ago rushes into my head. We were 2 hours in to a four hour drive after Jackson had 3 dum dums earlier in the day and one blow pop in the car already (I need to note here that I worked that day and Daddy was in charge). Well, needless to say, after 2 gushing vomit fits, we stopped at a gas station and hosed down Jackson's clothes with the scary water hose in back of the gas station. We then rode our remaining 2 hours with me covered in vomit and the car smelling to high heaven...all the while, Justin was mumbling, "No more dum dums." "We don't have any suckers Baby." I wonder if it's a sin to lie to a 2 year old.

"oh dum dum Papa housth.

"Yea. Tell me about your friends at school, did you have a good day?"

"JoJo bite hurrs."

"Yes, it hurts when friends bite each other. Friends need to be sweet to each other."

"Friends. JoJo, Charey. Pay Park. Charey"

"Did you play with Joseph and Charlie today on the playground?"

"Ohh, church, house, two house! Baby Cying Mama Pacy, Pacy!"

"I'm sorry Baby. I'll be at a red light in a minute. Tell me about school today. Were you sweet to your friends (we received a report that he had had a rough day)"


"Yes, baby, were you sweet to your friend, Jeffrey today? the bad report was that he had a scuffle with Jeffrey"

"I puu hayuh. Bite. Hurrs."

"Jackson! Did you pull hair? No sir! We don't pull our friends hair! We love our friends. And NO BITING. It does hurt, you're right. Tomorrow I want you to give Jeffrey a big hug. He is your friend."

"Big Truck. ChChCha Chchcha...singing jibber jabber. (This is a song from Shrek). Donkey, Shrek, Pimpess (Princess), flyfly (Fairy Godmother), Shrek? Oooh, big truck. Donkey?"

"What color is that truck, Jackson?"

"White! Red!" (White is ALWAYS his first answer...no clue why.) "Errrrp. HAHAHAHAHA!" (This is a fake burp that he learned from none other than ...Shrek.)

"When we burp we say 'excuse me.' What about that truck; what color is it?"

"Big Truck"

Silence.....strange silence.

"You made a snow man at school today, didn't you? Mommy saw it. You did a good job!"

"Man. Ho HO HO!"

"Santa Claus says Ho Ho Ho, Baby. But you made a good snowman!"

"chchcha chchcha (singing) Shrek?"

"You can watch it for a few minutes when we get home while I cook you something to eat."

"Eat? Besfast? Eat eggs? Pup. Zthacksthon's pup?"

"Give me a second and I'll get your cup. We're gonna eat chicken for dinner."

"Chicken? Eat? Mines eat."

"That's right Jackson. We'll eat in a little bit."

"I hungy. I eat. Dum dum?"