Monday, September 20, 2010

The hard questions

A close friend of mine has a 7 year old son. She has taught me many things about raising boys (she's the one that taught me to say "Rub some dirt on it; you're ok!" when they fall down and look at your expression to see if they are hurt.) I'm hoping she figures out how to do this thing called child rearing and so I can sail through with everything figured out behind her...especially those hard questions...

So my friend told me about her car ride home with her 7 year old son the other day and I immediately said, "I'm SOOOO blogging that one!"

So here goes, A car ride with a 7 year old:

7 year old: Mommy, do you have a boyfriend?

Mommy: Um. Well. I have Daddy. And I guess you could call him my boyfriend.

7 year old: Unsatisfied mumblings...

Mommy: I'm not sure what you're asking, Baby.

7 year old: Well...Just like I could have a girlfriend, you could have a boyfriend.

Mommy: Well, Daddy was my boyfriend and I married him and now he's my husband. Does that answer your question?

7 year old: Well, it's just that Daddy just seems so OLD to be a boyfriend.

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