Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Things Daddy has learned Part 1

I realize that my blog is about being a mom of "2under2" (now '2 in under 2 years' since J had his big Happy Day Day), but Daddy gets left out from time to time. I have had a string of posts about "Things I have learned" for quite a while and I think it's time for Daddy to have a turn. So here we go, Things Daddy has Learned, Part 1:

When your 2 year old Potty Trainer nonchalantly says "no" when you ask him if he needs to go potty, he's lying. In approximately 3.5 minutes, you will see the evidence of this lie dripping down his leg while you tie his shoes. Late for work again...

A 6 month old will crawl off of a bed if you fall asleep. Even if you are holding his ankle. So will a 9 month old and a 10 month old. Ever heard the old saying about doing the same thing but expecting a different result?

There will be more to come, I'm sure. Daddy has to laugh at himself just like Mommy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the adventures of daddy...they are fun also! Love you guys!

