It all started when my husband called to let me know that the power was out at our house and would be back up around 6 pm. So, I picked up the kids from their schools and headed straight for "Chickifay" to eat dinner and play on the playground. I turned early into a Mexican restaurant's parking lot to cheat the Chickifay red light when my 2 year old exclaimed, "My eat dere" and pointed at the Mexican restaurant. He was very excited as we walked up to the entrance because there are 8 or 9 Mariachi band members made of metal in the front walkway. (This explains why he wanted to eat "dere".)

He wandered through the artwork checking them out and repeating, "This Jesus" "This Nudder Jesus". When he came to the guitar playing band member, he said "This Jesus Pay Geeta!" This is when I couldn't help but take his picture.
I realized during this episode that to my 2 year old, everything with a mustache is Papa, but everything with a beard is Jesus.
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