Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Things Daddy has learned Part 1

I realize that my blog is about being a mom of "2under2" (now '2 in under 2 years' since J had his big Happy Day Day), but Daddy gets left out from time to time. I have had a string of posts about "Things I have learned" for quite a while and I think it's time for Daddy to have a turn. So here we go, Things Daddy has Learned, Part 1:

When your 2 year old Potty Trainer nonchalantly says "no" when you ask him if he needs to go potty, he's lying. In approximately 3.5 minutes, you will see the evidence of this lie dripping down his leg while you tie his shoes. Late for work again...

A 6 month old will crawl off of a bed if you fall asleep. Even if you are holding his ankle. So will a 9 month old and a 10 month old. Ever heard the old saying about doing the same thing but expecting a different result?

There will be more to come, I'm sure. Daddy has to laugh at himself just like Mommy!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Things the Grandparents have learned...Part 1

I have done a series of posts called "Things I have Learned". They encompass things that I have learned as a mother as well as things that my two precious boys (2 and 1/2 years and a 12 month old) have learned. In turn, when they learn things...I learn also. Well, I mainly learn that a 2 year old will try 'X'. For example "Things I have learned: Mufflers are HOT!" That kind of thing.

I've been building a new blog post in my mind for some time now called Things the Grandparents have learned...so here goes....Part 1 (because I'm sure there will be more):
(click the picture to enlarge and get the full effect)

A 2 year old left alone for 3 seconds will
first, find scissors
next, cut his baby brother's hair
Lastly, comfort his screaming baby brother by giving him toys and saying "I sorry I sorry!"

If you put a plate of tacos down in front of a 10 month old at a restaurant, you will be buying another plate of food 'cause the floor ate yours approximately a millisecond after you put it down. Those jokers are fast!

Even after 29 years, it is STILL not ok to let an 18 month old run around the house naked. There will be poo. Yes, I know it's been 29 years, but toddlers STILL haven't learned.

When a 2 year old poos, DON'T leave him alone on the potty! When you return, he WILL be sitting in your chair...not even a pressure washer can fix that! AND, while you're cleaning THAT up, rest assured the baby is eating the dog's food with a spoon.

More to come, I'm sure. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Let's face it. Kids generalize about things. For my 2 year old, everything with a mustache is Papa. I say "everything" because this includes otters. I discovered a new generalization that my sweet little one has about beards today.

It all started when my husband called to let me know that the power was out at our house and would be back up around 6 pm. So, I picked up the kids from their schools and headed straight for "Chickifay" to eat dinner and play on the playground. I turned early into a Mexican restaurant's parking lot to cheat the Chickifay red light when my 2 year old exclaimed, "My eat dere" and pointed at the Mexican restaurant. He was very excited as we walked up to the entrance because there are 8 or 9 Mariachi band members made of metal in the front walkway. (This explains why he wanted to eat "dere".)

He wandered through the artwork checking them out and repeating, "This Jesus" "This Nudder Jesus". When he came to the guitar playing band member, he said "This Jesus Pay Geeta!" This is when I couldn't help but take his picture.

I realized during this episode that to my 2 year old, everything with a mustache is Papa, but everything with a beard is Jesus.