Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday morning (trash day, recycle day, and trash day) the same thing happens. Jackson runs excitedly to me (no matter how many babies, bottles, diapers etc that I have in my hands) and says "Big truck! Hand! Big truck! Hand! Hand!" He grabs my hand, drags me away from whatever I was doing...which drops to the floor, and leads me to the front door. I then hear it...the garbage truck is like 3 streets away! His ears are amazing, but ONLY for things he wants to hear. I must not say "Jackson, come here" loud enough because that is impossible to hear apparently.
Back to the story.
So we head to the front door and watch the "big truck" dump everyone's trash up and down the street as he whispers "big truck" inceasantly. Then, the men wave Bye to him, yell out a roll tide, and... HONK! They may as well be superheros to that little boy- he is THAT amazed to see them every time.
Our boys are way too much alike! Jeffrey LOVES the Garbage Man! He basically does the same thing on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. He gets even more excited when we see the trash guys on our way to school.