We planned to meet Jeffrey and Matthew at Boo at the Zoo and I was excited. I packed and loaded Graham in the car. We stopped at J's school, picked him up and off we went. We arrived at the Birmingham Zoo and Matthew and Matthew's Mommy and Daddy were not far behind. Daddy met us there and so did Jeffrey and his parents. Jackson was in a great mood, and Graham was too.
After a wonderful evening of trick or treating, a train ride,a hay ride, feeding ducks...tons of fun. THEN, In the middle of the carousel ride, Graham determined that it was time to go home...
He started screaming bloody murder. My blood pressure started to go up, but I ain't seen nothin' yet. The rest of the evening went a little like this:
Whah! Whah! Whah! Whah! Whah! Whah! Whah! Whah!
"Ok guys: ya'll have fun - Graham and I are leaving." Whah! Whah!
Off I went steering the big ol' long double stroller through the crazy crowded zoo.
Whah! Whah!
Move people move...it's getting worse....
Whah! Whah!
I'm weaving through people like the dogs at the dog show weave through those cones. Whah! Whah!
I'm almost to the gate. Whah! Whah!
Oh, crap I have Helen's purse in the stoller. Whah! Whah!
I whooped that big long stroller around and weaved back through the crowd of children dressed in their costumes all hyped up on candy. Whah! Whah!
Finally, we made it back to the group. Whah! Whah!
I tossed Helen her purse. Whah! Whah!
"Sorry guys, I gotta go. See ya'll later." Whah! Whah!
Back through this dang crowd again I go... Whah! Whah!
Through the gate and to the car. Whah! Whah! Whah! Whah!
I start throwing things. Diaper bag, out of stroller, into car. Whah! Whah!
Bottle case, out of stroller, into car. Whah! Whah!
Graham's costume, into car. Whah! Whah!
2 dirty bibs, 3 pacies, 2 bottles of water, cell phone, camera...KEYS KEYS KEYS...there they are. Whah! Whah!
I start to pull the pumpkin seat off of the stroller. Whah! Whah!
It won't come off! Whah! Whah!
I'm jerking the seat and tugging and jerking and the stupid thing won't come off! Whah! Whah!
What's wrong with this stupid car seat? Whah! Whah!
Helen and Lurenda arrive..."Can we help?" Whah! Whah!
"I wish we could help you with this stroller" (they are both pregnant) Whah! Whah!
"Do you have it?" Whah! Whah! "There's still a bag in the bottom" Whah! Whah! "Do you have it?" (They are great cheerleaders! They must have seen the sheer stress in my eyes)Whah! Whah!
Finally, with a POP the seat pops off of the stroller! I plop the pumpkin seat in the car, break down the stroller, toss it in the trunk, try to close the trunk, it won't close, try again, crap, rearrange, try again, rearrange, try again - success! "gotta go" I get in the car and there is ...silence...
wow, this is great...I might make it home in peace - thank you, God.
Whah! Whah! Whah! Whah! Whah! Whah!
You have it! Go! We're turning RIGHT! GO! Whah! Whah!
Really, we're gonna just sit here? oh finally...Whah! Whah!
Should I take 31 or the interstate Whah! Whah!
slow down Meredith Whah! Whah!
I hope whichever policeman pulls me over has kids and understands Whah! Whah!
I hope Justin and Jackson are having a better trip home than we are Whah! Whah!
slow down, Meredith Whah! Whah!
what's the speed limit?! Whah! Whah!
I'm definitely getting pulled over tonight. I need to slow down. Whah! Whah!
Whah! Whah! Whah! Whah!
Turn green turn green turn green Whah! Whah!
oh good
Whah! Whah!
almost homeWhah! Whah!
Is it faster to pull into the driveway on two wheels? Cause I think I just did. Whah! Whah!
"I'm coming, Graham."
We get inside, drop all of our stuff, get him unbuckled,
Whah! Whah!
and FINALLY, we're upstairs.
I just need to get him in the tub and this night will be over... Whah! Whah!
I lay Graham on his changing pad and this is what I get:
Little Sh*t.
Enjoy the video:
This has to be one of the best posts ever! I'm so sorry we couldn't do more. However, I'm glad you guys made it home safely and that he cheered up once you were home.
ReplyDeleteOkay I just watched the video! HAAA! I love the ending and I love that Justin was trying to ask you a question while you were taping Graham.
ReplyDeleteThat was FREAKIN' hilarious Meredith!!! It wouldn't be if I couldn't picture many times experiencing the same thing myself!! I was seriously laughing out loud, imagining those days!
ReplyDeleteAnd then it's those sweet little voices, those coos and smiles that makes us just forget it all....well eventually! :)