Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Welcome to the 21st Century, Old timer

I've always been an old, I don't drink warm milk at night (I drink "Mommy's milk aka wine), but an old soul nonetheless. I would rather curl up on the couch on Saturday night with my hubby, a glass of wine, and a good movie than go to ANY party in ANY town. This isn't new-I've felt this way since I was 20 (and married already). See what I mean?

I'm a believer in technology; don't get me wrong. I've been paying bills online since I opened my first bank account, and as a banker myself, I LOVE the products that we have to make a business more cost effective and more efficient than ever using technology. But this online stuff...maybe I was embarrassed that myspace interested me. It's for "teenyboppers" right? My baby sister set me up with an account, I hooked up with old friends, and I was off! I loved it. Now there's facebook-even better! Why do I tell this story? Because I read a blog from my friend and fell in love with this! Not because I want to plaster my life for the world to see, but because I can chronicle, in seconds, these funny moments that I call life. Moments that only a mom would crack a smile at...because somewhere deep's familiar...all too familiar.

So my blog page is pink because there is way too much blue in my life. I have a husband, a 22 month old all boy boy and a 7 week old baby boy. And me, I'm a little bit of a tomboy...always have been. So pink it is!

This busy mom who forgets to write in the baby book and emails herself to do items (i.e."J school dipes"[jackson needs diapers at school, bring them tomorrow] and "ft J sch" [set an appointment near this time on my calendar and near Jackson's school so I can stop by Jackson's school and take pictures of the fire truck visit today]) etc. can chronicle the best moments in life-the moments that make me stop telling Jackson to stop putting his hand down his pants for the THOUSANTH time and start to just smile. Because these are the days of our lives-the days from the perspective of a mom, a mom of 2 under 2.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited that you've started this blog! I can't wait to read more. I like to think of it as therapy for the working mom! :)
