Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Oh my...I screwed up Santa

So I didn't believe in Santa Claus as a kid (insert shock and awe sounds here). I know I know "That's TERRIBLE! Are you kidding? No way!" I've heard it all. I never missed it honestly. My mom taught me that Santa was a decoration. I went along with the hype because it was fun. I don't think I ever spoiled the surprise because I didn't think of it as a big deal or a surprise to spoil since I thought everybody knew that he was a decoration.

So why didn't we learn about Santa? It's a long story, but in a nutshell, my mom's aunt broke "the news" by saying that Santa was in a sleigh ride wreck and died and wouldn't be coming this year. She was so devastated that she didn't teach own her kids about Santa. (MY theory is that she just wanted credit for all of the presents, but I'll never know the truth.)

So, my big guy just turned 3 and he finally understands the concept of Santa and presents. Simultaneously, he understands the concept of poo-pooing in the potty, but just refuses to do it. I had the GREATEST idea! I'll go to and have Santa send him a message and tell him to go potty in the potty! Genius, right?

Everything went off as a smashing hit when Santa pet the reindeer and talked about my 3 year old by name and looked at pictures of him, his birthday party, etc.

Then Santa winked.

All hell has pretty much broken loose at my house, and my 3 year old is not only terrified of Santa, but can't stop talking about Santa "winking him's eye". On top of that, he's MORTIFIED that Santa will be coming into his house to bring his presents. He checks the front door daily to be sure that Santa's not standing their ready to frighten him like the trick or treaters did.

So, I've pretty much set the potty training back a few dozen miles and now he's scared of Santa. So many ways to ruin a childhood and I mess up Santa. From my understanding...this is a big deal.


I hope I've made you feel better about your child rearing skills, but more importantly: I think I'll let Christmas be Christmas from now on and put my agenda aside. Well, until he refuses to eat his veggies...

Read more of my adventures at my personal blog: