Monday, December 28, 2009

Not me Monday!

Monday again. I think I'll try this "Not me Monday" thing. For some good therapy click on over to MckMama's blog and play along with Not Me Monday!

My Not me Monday:

Long story short I had to buy a car Saturday. I searched on the internet all night Friday night, all day on Saturday preparing for the long hours of beating some poor sales guy up over the numbers with my research in hand. Unfortunately I didn't find the perfect car online and gave up all hope. I went to carmax with two cars in mind, best friend, and best 4 month old in tow for moral support since I couldn't beat anyone up that day (you can't negotiate at Carmax).

I was EXHAUSTED! I test drove two cars, talked myself into the more expensive, nicer one, realized that the gas mileage was unacceptable and changed my mind. After being there an hour, I was back to square one. I don't have the patience for things like this.

So my great sales man (Cason) said, "Let me pull up everything that we have with a 3rd row seat." He found a Ford Freestyle, of which I had never even heard of. Too tired to move at this point, I told him not to bother pulling it around, just to show me pictures on the internet. He forced me to let him drive it around. I took one quick tired glance and I bought it.

So today I'm realizing just how funny it is that I'm too tired to test drive a car before I buy it. Or maybe I'm too impatient. Or maybe I'm the mom of a 25 and a 4 month old. Either way, I didn't spend over $17k on Saturday without so much as sitting in the driver's seat until Sunday! NOOOO, not me!!

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