Monday, October 26, 2009

Never give a stressed out Mom a meat cleaver

So, I spent the better part of my afternoon in the urgent care center today. Why? Well because having two under two, a career, and running a household just isn't enough-that's why. I also need to rid myself of the use of my left hand and to be forbidden to get it wet for 2 weeks-THAT should do it!

I was CRAVING roasted winter vegetables (thanks, Helen) and got Graham settled and happy in his bouncey seat. I decided that it would be easiest to chop that tough butternut squash using a meat cleaver. Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time anyway.

I had gotten only two chops in when I slammed it down as hard as I could a third time.

It could have been from sheer shock and horror, but I've somehow erased the memory of why in the world I decided to put my left hand in the way.I'm actually VERY lucky that I didn't chop my finger off- pure luck.

I looked down, grabbed a handful of napkins, went into the living room to get Graham out of his seat, who was happy to see me and grinned and started talking. Not for long! I scooped him up with my good arm, plopped him in his car seat, miraculously buckled it with one hand, and off we went.

We walked in to the urgent care center, left hand still above my head and announced that I almost cut my finger off. I was quickly herded to the trauma room.

I successfully did not get a drop of blood on Graham to the amazement of the nurses. They were all announcing to each other-she didn't get any blood on the baby and LOOK AT HER HAND! (I'm an inspiration to them all.)

I'm not sure how many stitches I have because I was too busy trying to calm the nervous medical resident assigned to me-I think 10 or so. To his defense, I did run out of the house without a bottle and Graham was telling me how dumb I was for that and for allowing the whole thing to happen in the first place. Which reminds me, I need to write a thank you card to the nurse who hugged and shushed him for an hour.

Ah, Life...


  1. Holy Crap!!! Reading this makes my hand hurt. You know if you need anything to just let me know!

  2. GIRL! You seemed to just react with ease! I'd have flipped out!
