Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Big #2 Jackson!!!!

A little over two years ago, I was pregnant with my "Booger." (Yes, that's what I call with it.) I commented several times that I cannot imagine how anyone who has ever had a child could say that they don't believe in God. While you are "cooking" a baby as I like to call it, each moment is intricately planned. Each system in the human body begins forming in a perfectly timed order. Everything happens in a particular order and in a particular place and the end result is a perfect, intricate system that makes up a baby boy or girl. It's a miracle every single time.

I was lucky to have 2 easy pregnancies. If a pregnancy can possibly be easy that is. The day that we found out that Jackson was on the way was certainly one of the happiest days of my life. He is INCREDIBLE. Justin laughs about him being this "little person." He says that he is a whole person, just smaller. It sounds silly, but it really is amazing. It's amazing the way that they grow inside their mommies. It's amazing the way that they are born. It's amazing the way that they grow. It's amazing the way that they learn and develop and figure things out.

My whole person, just smaller, is turning two years old in about 9 hours. We've been talking a lot about birthdays so that he will understand his own birthday. He calls it Happy Day Day. He was sitting in his high chair eating dinner tonight and caught the sight of the iced cookies on the counter that I bought for him to bring to school tomorrow and started saying "Happy Day Day" "Peas?" "Happy Day Day" "PEEEAAASS" We actually threw a small blanket over them and he completely forgot that they were there. Outta sight outta mind. A blanket on the counter? He doesn't even notice.

When I brought my little miracle home from the hospital, I had to have him as close as possible every single moment and he slept in a cradle next to my side of the bed. I distinctly remember the first night that he was home. I was sitting on the edge of my bed, chin in my hands, watching his chest rise and fall. I didn't understand SIDS, but I knew that as long as I saw his chest rise and fall every single time then he was ok. I was so exhausted and finally I prayed. I said, "God, it's your turn now. You'll have to watch his chest for me while my eyes are closed." I was actually able to rest knowing that God was sitting on the edge of my bed, chin in His hands, making sure that tiny little chest was rising and falling as it should. Sometimes I forget that God was letting me borrow him for the next __ years. I'm SO glad that he did. God couldn't have picked a more incredible kid for me to take care of for Him. It's been two years now and some days are a challenge, and some are just fun, but all are a blessing. I hope that I'm living up to God's expectations. I hope I'm raising that precious little boy to be the man that God wants him to be. I hope that God looks down and is proud of his little boy, and proud of the manner in which he is being taught, and disciplined, and encouraged. It's a little overwhelming to remember that God only lets us borrow his tiny angels, and relies on us to take care of them on earth. I'm so glad that he continues to help us everytime we need his assistance!

Two years...they have FLOWN! I am amazed every day at that little guy. I'm so proud of him.

Happy Day Day Jackson!


  1. Oh man, this made me cry! I can't believe how fast they grow up!! Happy Birthday Jackson!

    And you know what Meredith, I bet God is very pleased with the choice he made in giving you this incredible responsibility!!

  2. I'm just getting around to reading this, I know, bad friend! I need a tissue. I know that God is proud of your entire family.
